Sunday, January 27, 2008



Conquered goals and helping others by one’s purpose achieved
Many blessings upon you and for you to have received
Working on bettering self stepping towards the righteous path
Perfecting the soul through the self made wrath
Came to love one’s self and everything that represents it
Some find the repair kit and others stay in the pit
Here to obtain peace and accumulate
Love to help others and demonstrate
The path and show that hope exist
For the reason to help you persist
Problems made for character building
Pushing you towards something
A divine being creating their story
Of how they obtained their Victory

By: AD Upchurch

From Cypher Key:

Saturday, January 26, 2008

2 Reviews On Cypher KeyEsoteric Poetry

By Lynn H. Fox

Feeling down? Beaten-up? Not sure from what direction the next hit will come? CYPHER KEY by A.D. Upchurch (yes, his real name) is a blessing. Mr. Upchurch reminds us of what's important, in a kind of simple poetry that goes in as easily as chocolate, smooth as whipped cream. "Stop to see life," he reminds us, in his poem "Focus." "I am one of many in the universal mind/This is so real for me and so divined" (from "Brain Cell"). Simple stuff, written from a profound, personal depth. I recommend this book . . . Mr. L.H. Fox, Language Arts Teacher, Maryland

By William Huff "Logos Voyeur"

Cypher Key is the most marvelous collection of inspiring poems I've ever discovered in my 66 years.
Each poem is a masterpiece of esoteric thought.
The whole collection of 40 poems is replete with the Wisdom of the Ages.
The book takes us to the heights of spirituality.
It deals with all the important themes of life on the Path.
Besides the 40 wonderful and meaningful poems, the book also contains great powerful quotes in the Wisdom Tradition.
The young poet, Artice Upchurch, is truly a master of wisdom, reminding us of the young Jesus preaching to the wise men in the Temple.
For any lover of great poetry and any lover of Wisdom, Cypher Key is a must read.
This website is where you can view or buy Cypher Key

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aren't you tired of seeing the world in the shape that it is in? I know that I am and that's one reason why I took the time to bring about a book called Cypher Key. Cypher Key is a book on Kept Secret/Confidential poetry that can expand one's views on Universal Principles. If you like poetry and if you like wisdom; this book is a must read. My website/our website also has a list of free poems that you can read that I have wrote years ago opposed to the recent book in which I manifested. Have a look at it and feel free to comment on the website through the Contact Us page. Peace and Love to all
Contents In Cypher Key
Pg. 1 Preface Pg. 4 Brain Cell Pg. 5 Consciousness & Awareness
Pg. 6 David & Goliath Pg. 7 Dragon Pg. 8 Focus Pg. 9 Ghost Pg. 10 Go For Self
Pg. 11 Heaven On Earth Pg. 12 I Don't Know pg. 13 Incarnation
Pg. 14 Loving My GOD Pg. 15 Made Trix Pg. 16 Misleaded Pg. 17 Motivation
Pg. 18 My Prayer Pg. 19 Not God's House Pg. 20 One Birthday Pg. 21 Orientation
Pg. 22 Out In Illusion Pg. 23 Praise Just Us Pg. 24 Savior Pg. 25 Shadow World
Pg. 26 Suicide Pg. 27 The Christ Pg. 28 The Golden Child
Pg. 29 The Hypocrite Pg. 30 The Law Of Attraction Pg. 31 The Living Dead
Pg. 32 The Potion Pg. 33 The Universe Pg. 34 To Yourself
Pg. 35 Top Notch Pg. 36 True Marraige Pg. 37 Vehicle
Pg. 38 Victory Pg. 39 What Is Life? Pg. 40 Wheelchair
Pg. 41 With Me Pg. 42 You Are The Creator Pg. 43 Now Is The Time

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Deep Poetry

We have came to realize that their is alot of evil in this world. It seems like their are hardly any people out there that can help us. We must look within ourselves to find the answer to this madness that's going on. I am here wanting to serve humanity and that is one reason why I have put together a book by the name of Cypher Key. It is a book based on Esoteric/Kept Secret/Confidential poetry that can help someone expand their thoughts on Universal Principles. There is also a website that you can visit titled
There you can view poems that were written years ago when A.D. Upchurch first discovered his talent to write. And also you can view the new book that has been written by the name of Cypher Key. We as people have lost our true purpose of being and that is one reason why the world is the way that it is. That's why it seems like the weather is changing; for the simple fact that the world is all of us. I cannot change anyone, but a person can change themselves and the world will be just that much better. If you like poetry and if you like wisdom...I recommend getting a copy of this book at the listed website address. Peace and Love to all