Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Cypher For You

Since we were created by God; we were saved even before there were such a word "saved" (haha). The thing is to find that spark within us that God left there for us to get back to it (God). I do not like the name God for the simple fact is that if you spell it backwards; it gives a different meaning and why would such a great power have such a name. See; this is why I say, we are Gods; when we are not Gods...we are animals, like a dog--we eat fast, we see a beautiful woman and we may want to have sex with her etc. "Be patient for that you will possess your soul" meaning the task is to create
a human soul; this is the reason for many lifetimes, learning, experiencing, etc. The little bit of soul that we do have is just a small spark a very small identity in which we have to build into something great, and the spirit is what's allows us to learn these new things, direct experience builds the soul, not belief. The thing about Christ is is very metaphorical; meaning the word Christic was before the word Christ and Christic simply meant "The Annointed One" The Christic Force is in us all and when Christ died; all of us did. All of us were there when Christ died
for that we are Christ as ONE. The word sin comes from roman times when the guys played darts and bullseye. When they missed the bullseye; they called it sin;
which means missing the mark. When you miss the mark, simply try again; No big deal, but we must be aware of the karma we create for missing such a mark. The word sin is just a scare tactic.
The Christic Force arrises us to remembering who we are, where we come from and how to get back; the Christic Force is our savior. It washes away our mistakes and makes us whole again. The Christ Force is not a specific person, but in each and everyone of us. We lose the real message once we start letting the church tell us what things mean; the church is of satan
and not of the supreme being. Any church can be destroyed, but the temple within cannot--simple because it is the home for your internal God.We say God is a He and we say that God is a Jealous God. We lose the message once again when we give the supreme Creator
human attributes; for that it is in all things. The Supreme Creator is a Force in all things.
The Cross symbol comes from ancient egypt and the meaning for it was Spirit Over Matter. So Christ died on the cross to bring about it's Spirit dominating this material world. It's all symbology and very rarely meant to take literally. There is a such thing as Universal Salvation, but first we must annihilate ego/character defects/demons within our own psyche.
You see; the bible mentioned the 7 deadly sins which are: Anger, Jealousy, Greed, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth & Envy. They say that the supreme is a jealous God; so why would the supreme have jealousy which is one of the 7 deadly sins. There are many gods and supposebly none of them may be The Supreme Creator. We may have been worshipping the devil all of this time which brought us these 7 deadly sins. People start wars in the name of god. Muslims, Christians, Jews...maybe that god is a devil, and the name god has brought about seperation. People are constantly worshipping something outside of themselves. The exterior world is just a mirror of our internal's the same thing as looking in the mirror.We empower the devil through the 7 deadly sins.
Real faith is knowing and not believing anything because through believing we can easily be manipulated and deceived. Real faith is knowing what's going to happen if we do this or that. And by having real faith destroy's the word blessed because we would
not see things differently anymore once we have real faith and we will not B Lessed. I'm not looking at the word blessed for what it means or where it came from. I'm looking at it for what it means once it is totally disected. Example: Therapist/The Rapist, Disease/Dis-ease, History/His Story etc.
God does not need to save anyone for that all the saving is in you.
How can you trust someone to save you that you never met. The Devil is smart and has been at work before you were even born and it has tampered with your religions and your way of life and who is it's puppets. We must know and stop believing in which I am practicing also. Let's stop being less, but more. Bmore

Cultivate Peace Within
And Then You Will Know.

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