Thursday, February 19, 2009

The World On Disability

The World On Disability (Cultivate Peace)
"I, myself, was always recognized . . . as the "slow one" in the family. It was quite true, and I knew it and accepted it. Writing and spelling were always terribly difficult for me. My letters were without originality. I was . . . an extraordinarily bad speller and have remained so until this day." -- Agatha Christie

What is it to be disabled? To be disabled is to be the world; the world which has detached itself from it’s True Source. We see a blind person; the world is blind…we see a deaf person; the world is deaf…we see truth everyday in front of us, but we do not understand it see it and we hear things of truth, but we do not understand that neither and so on. We do not understand disability because we ignore the important stuff; perhaps reincarnation which teaches us that we are responsible for the things we have done in our past life and we come back to pay the price for those mistakes.

Let me take myself for example. I am one with disabilities; when I read something…I am not able to grasp everything because of this disability; perhaps this may be a sign from the past that I was a very intellectual person in my past life. I spent too much time on deep thoughts, didn’t apply these thoughts much; been an intellectual person mainly all the time instead of balancing it with emotions nor exercising etc. Let’s use the term…the 3 brains which gnosis uses: The Intellectual Bain, The Emotional Brain and The Motor, Instinctive, Sexual Brain. Of course these brains are in the one brain, but different parts of it. We have to keep these at a balance; when we do not, then we suffer the consequences.

Are you fully intellectual, emotional, sexual, or use your body a lot? If you are; then we will have consequences for using up those energies on unnecessary things. Perhaps; someone that always uses their body…let’s take a boxer, the next life they may come back with early Alzheimer’s. We do not get away with anything in this world…NOTHING, not even a rain drop, cell, atom of activity. Everyone in the world are disabled due to the fact that we have detached ourselves from our True Being. There are people with bad attitudes, ignorance, calling that a tree, cat, dog, grass, sky, etc. These are only labels…condemnations; we do this because we are disabled and do not know the real meaning of these things.

We have a Immediate Family and a Extended Family; The Extended Family is all of us, but we manifest that family. The Immediate Family is the Immediate bloodline which we stay in when we come back to being again. I hope you don’t think I am talking down to you; I am talking directly…up to you. Since we have disconnected ourselves from our True Being; we have developed something called The Ego/Negative Emotions according to Gnosis and myself because I have experienced this; which are Lust, Anger, Envy, Jealousy, Gluttony, Sloth & Pride. This is also another part of disability because these are created by sub-conscious Fear of disconnection from our True Being. Most people will call them healthy emotions, but what kind of healthy emotions causes suffering anytime you use them? These are Negative Emotions and we may not recognize them as that because we are disabled.

We may have a belief, but if we have not Directly Experienced it; or applied it to ourselves then we are disabled. You can believe all you want, but we are here to experience and to eventually create a soul of experience; having a tremendous amount of information through knowledge through our experiences. Just because we are disabled, it is not necessary a bad thing because we created this suffering, and from this suffering we learn and this builds Direct Experience.
Our actions affects nature, our actions affects each other and our actions affects the lower kingdoms according to gnosis. Gnosis means Direct Knowledge in Greek. The world is in the shape that it is in due to our belief’s and we kill over those belief’s and separate ourselves from other through our beliefs because of disability.

We act according to what we believe. We look at ourselves in the mirror and we don’t like what we see, (Symbolically and Literally Speaking) but our belief has us covered; well at least we may think so. We must change ourselves in order to change the world just that much. For the ones that are labeled disabled; well…there is a spark of your true vocation within you, find what you are good at and do it for the world.

A.D. Upchurch


Anonymous said...

Hey Artice!Just stopping by to show some love! Yea we all have disabilities especially since 99.7%of us have yet to rise above the physical and grasp the powerful nature of the subconcious and our place in this universe.

QuietCypher said...

I agree